Superstripes 2022
Frascati-Rome – June 20-24, 2022

Superstripes 2022

Frascati-Rome – June 20-24, 2022


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International Conference

Rome - Frascati National Laboratory, June 20-24, 2022

(arrival day: June 19th ; departure day: June 25th)


Superstripes 2022

Chairmen: Antonio Bianconi, Augusto Marcelli


The Superstripes 2022 meeting continues the successful series of International meetings started with the first Stripes Conference held in Rome in 1996 following the growing high interest of the scientific International community on emergence new phenomena related with Complexity in Quantum Matter. The aim of 2022 Superstripes conference is to foster top-level science and scientific culture advances bringing together selected world leaders in the field of new advances in hot topics (see Topics web page) of quantum complex matter science.

Organizing Committee

Gabriel Aeppli, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
Sergio Caprara, Università di Roma Sapienza, I
Erica W. Carlson, Purdue University, USA
Masatoshi Imada, Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, J
Stefano Lupi, Università di Roma Sapienza, I
Andrea Perali, University of Camerino, I
Dragana Popovic, Florida State University, USA
Yasutomo Uemura, Columbia University, USA
Valerii Vinokur, Terra Quantum AG, CH


Local Committee

Paolo Alberti, RICMASS, I
Antonio Bianconi, RICMASS, I
Valentina Brosco, Università di Roma Sapienza, I
Alessandro D'Elia, INFN-LNF, I
Zeinab Ebrahimpour, INFN-LNF, I
Salvatore Macis, Università di Roma Sapienza, I
Augusto Marcelli, INFN-LNF, I


The conference will have a hybrid format with talks in-presence and in-remote.

The registration fee is the same for talks in-presence or in-remote mode.

Registration Deadlines:

  • April 30, 2022: Deadline for Registration and Abstract submission
  • April 30, 2022: Deadline for the reduced early bird registration fee
  • May 20, 2022: Deadline for regular registration fee
  • June 20, 2022: h  9:00: Opening session
  • June 24, 2022: h 16:00: Closing session

Conference location: The conference will be hosted by Frascati National Laboratories in Frascati (Rome). Frascati is a wonderful scenic area less than 20 minutes train ride from Rome Termini station. 

Nearby airports: 1) FCO Fiumicino Rome airport and 2) Rome Ciampino Airport, Italy

Hotel Accomodation: Participants can stay either in Frascati hotels or in Rome hotels near the Termini station, and hotel cost is relatively inexpensive even for 4 star hotels. (see Accomodation web page)

Conference proceedings: Authors of talks presented at the conference are invited to submit the manuscript of their work for publication as regular papers in the special issue in the open source Journal "Condensed Matter". Full-text papers of invited talks will be subject to peer review before to be accepted

The meeting is organized by RICMASS, Rome International Center for Materials Science of Superstripes-onlus, a recognized non-profit organization based in Rome, Italy and National Laboratories of Frascati of INFN. Our mission is to provide a commons for participants of different countries and different disciplines to share ideas, to promote advances of science, to contribute to solve significant challenges on a wide variety of issues of cultural and social interest. 

We look forward to welcoming you in Rome in June 2022!

Secretary: Paolo Alberti (RICMASS) and Laura Natoli (LNF-INFN)

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The conference is sponsored by MDPI Publishing: Condensed Matter Journal, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati-INFN, Terra QuantumEURASC-European Academy of Science, RICMaSS, Superstripes onlus.

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