The new interdisciplinary field of "Quantum Complex Materials" has emerged recently from advances in complex condensed-matter physics, and ultracold-atom physics as a powerful unifying concept across diverse fields of science and engineering, driven by the need of new quantum materials for advances in Quantum Computing. Beyond traditional quantum materials and conventional superconductors, today the field has significantly expanded to encompass room temperature macroscopic quantum phenomena like room temperature superconductors in highly strained hydrides. On 14 October 2020 a composite material made from a photochemically transformed (H2S)2−x(CH4)xH2 compound, made of organic building molecules of the living matter, hydrogen sulfide H2S, methane CH4 , and hydrogen H2 at high pressure, 267 gigapascals, has shown for the first time superconducting transition temperature at room temperature, 14.7 Celsius [E. Snider et al. Nature,] providing validaton for room temperature quantum coherence predicted in 1996 by the Bianconi Perali Valletta theory at Fano resonances near Lifshitz transitions tuned by strain, based on Bogoliubov multigap superconductivity with the key role of exchange Majorana forces.
The Russian Italian meeting aim to promote the collaborative research of italian and russian scientists leader in this field in order to develop the material design of new room temperature superconductors and their manipulation by Rashba spin orbit coupling to control Majorana fermions. The recent theoretical and experimental advances in this field make it possible to develop the new theory for manipulation of topological quantum complex matter like 3D heterostructures at atomic limit and the strain control of novel aperiodic materials near incommensurate commensurate transitions.
In this workshop we aim to capture a snapshot of the most recent developments in the field in Russia and Italy. The format of the workshop is looking for stimulate collaborations between scientists sharing their viewpoint and their proposals on new quantum complex materials and room temperature superconductors, needed because of the dynamic nature of this new research area. The workshop meant to encourage exchanges and discussions across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The meeting will contribute to speed the research in fascinating field at the intersection of materials science, condensed matter physics, device engineering, biophysics, organic chemistry, and quantum information, and to shaping a clearer landscape of quantum complex materials science as a new frontier of interdisciplinary scientific international research.