Monday, October 26
- Daria Pushkova, Director of the Russian Center for Culture in Rome
- Anastasia Zadorina, Deputy Director for international S&T cooperation at the International Centre for Innovation in Science, Technology and Education (Analytical center ICISTE)
- Igor Shiryaev, Councellor of the Russian Federation Embassy in Italy
- Domenico Fornara, Head of the Office for Bilateral Policies and Activities for the internationalization of scientific and technological research and innovation at the Italian MoFA
- Enrico Brugnoli, Italian Scientific Councellor, Embassy of Italy, Moscow
- Michele Saviano, Istituto di Cristallografia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IC-CNR)
- Claudio Pettinari, Rettore Università di Camerino
- Antonio Bianconi, Rome International Center for Materials Science, Superstripes, Roma (RICMASS)
Chairman: Antonio Bianconi
- 10:00-10:20
Ultrafast electronic structure dynamics as evidence of a new carrier pairing mechanism in BaBiO3-based superconductors by XFEL
Alexey Menushenkov, Andrei Ivanov
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, 115409, Russia.
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Enhanced critical temperature and screening of pair fluctuations in superconductors with flat and deep bands
Andrea Perali, David Vitali
Physics Unit, School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, Camerino (MA) Italy
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Calorons in 2D+1 spin-fermion model and the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity
Sergei I. Mukhin
Department for Theoretical physics and quantum technologies, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, 119049 Moscow, Russia
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Chairman: Andrea Perali
- 11:40-11:55
Superconducting dome in multigap superconductivity near unconventional topological Lifshitz transitions
Maria Vittoria Mazziotti and R. Raimondi
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
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Multicomponent superconductivity research at nanoscale
Arkady A. Shanenko
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
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Imaging and writing correlated disorder in complex quantum materials at nanoscale by synchrotron x-ray nano beam
Gaetano Campi
Institute of Crystallography, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR, via Salaria Km 29.300, 00015, Monterotondo Rome, Italy
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Droplets of the order parameter in the low density thin films of the "dirty" metals
E. A. Mazur, M.Yu. Kagan
National Research University Higher School of Economics, P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, RAS
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Charge density waves in perovskites
Sergio Caprara
Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, R, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Rome, Italy
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From Fano in Rome and Lihshitz in Moscow to material design of tunable room temperature superconductivity in 3D heterostructures at atomic limit (HAL) by Fano resonances near topological Lifshitz transitions
Antonio Bianconi1, Antonio Valletta2
1RICMASS Rome International Center for Materials Science, Superstripes, Roma & Institute of Crystallography, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR
2Italian National Research Council CNR, Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems IMM,via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100, 00133 Roma, Italy
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Tuesday, October 27
Chairman: Sergei I. Mukhin
- 9:00-9:20
Dynamics of magnetic oxides under ultrafast high spin-low spin switching
S.G. Ovchinnikov
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
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0-π phase transition in S/F/S heterostructures: temperature and magnetic field dependence
Enrico Silva
Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
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Novel ordered quantum states in systems with superlattice periodicity
A.O. Sboychakov1, A.V. Rozhkov1, A.L. Rakhmanov1, K.I. Kugel1, F. Nori2, A. Bianconi3
1 Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Izhorskaya str. 13, 125412 Moscow, Russia
2 Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako-shi,Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
3 Rome International Center for Materials Science Superstripes RICMASS,00185 Rome IT
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Linear and non linear terahertz photonics based on topological matter
Stefano Lupi
Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Rome, Italy
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Experimental studies of superconductivity in series of Th- and Y- hydrides
Ivan A. Troyan1, Alexander G. Gavriliuk1,2, Igor S. Lyubutin1, Anna G. Ivanova1, Dmitrii V. Semenok3, Alexander G. Kvashnin3, Viktor V. Struzhkin4, Vladimir M. Pudalov5
1 Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Federal Scientific Research Center Crystallography and Photonics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119333, 59 Leninskii pr-t, Russia
2 Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117312 Russia
3 Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo Innovation Center 121205, 3 Nobel Street, Moscow, Russia
4Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, Shanghai 201203, China
5 P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
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Chairman: Augusto Marcelli
- 11:40-11:55
Effect of orthorhombicity on the electronic structure and superconducting properties of high-Tc cuprate family
I.A. Makarov1, S.G.Ovchinnikov1, A.Bianconi2,3,4
1 Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
2 Rome International Center for Materials Science Superstripes (RICMASS), Via dei Sabelli 119A, 00185 Roma, Italy
3 CNR-IC, Istituto di Cristallografia, Monterotondo, Roma, 00015, Italy
4 National Research Nuclear University, MEPhI, Moscow 115409, Russia
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Boosting axion searches with quantum sensing
Claudio Gatti
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 00044 Frascati (RM), Italy
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Superconductivity doesn’t fear magnetism: the case of RbEuFe4As4
T. K. Kim1, K. S. Pervakov2, D .V. Evtushinsky3, S. W. Jung1, G. Poelchen4,5, K. Kummer5, V. A. Vlasenko2, V. M. Pudalov2,6, A. S Usoltsev2,6, D. Roditchev7,8,9, V.S. Stolyarov9,10, D. V. Vyalikh11,12, V. Borisov13, R. Valentί13, A. Ernst14,15, S. V. Eremeev16,17,18, E. V. Chulkov11,18,19
1Diamond Light Source, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
2Ginzburg Center for HTc Superconductivity and Quantum Materials, Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia
3Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism, Institute of Physics, E´cole Polytechnique Fe´de´rale de Lausanne, Switzerland
4Institut fur Festkorper- und Materialphysik, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
5European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
6National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
7LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Paris, France
8Sorbonne Universite, CNRS, LPEM, 75005, Paris, France
9Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia
10N. L. Dukhov All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, Russia
11Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain
12IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain
13Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
14Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Johannes Kepler Universitat, Linz, Austria
15Max-Planck-Institut fur Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle, Germany
16Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, RAS, Tomsk, Russia
17Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
18Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
19Departamento de Fısica de Materiales UPV/EHU and Centro de Fısica de Materiales (CFM-MPC), Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain
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Tunneling from vibrating barriers in porous silicon nanowires with embedded quantum dots
S.J. Rezvani1,2,3
1Department of Physics, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy.
2INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (RM), Italy.
3National Research Council (CNR- IOM), Trieste, Italy.
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- Aldo Spallone, Presidente Associazione Ricercatori e Docenti Italiani operativi in Russia (ARDIR)
- Fabio Bossi, Director of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati / INFN
- Roberto Raimondi, Direttore Dipartimento Matematica e Fisica, Università "Roma Tre"
- Guido De Sanctis, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Italy, Moscow