Quantum Complex Matter 2021
Frascati-Rome – June 7-9, 2021
Quantum Complex Matter 2021
Frascati-Rome – June 7-9, 2021


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Rome - RICMASS and Frascati National Laboratory, June, 7-9 2021


 Live Streaming is available




Antonio Bianconi (RICMASS)



Yasutomo Uemura (Columbia University, New York, USA)
Augusto Marcelli (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati , Italy)


Scientific Advisory Committee

 Gaetano Campi, Sergio Caprara, Kliment Kugel, Alessandra Lanzara, Despina Louca, Augusto Marcelli, Alexey Menushenkov, Roman Micnas, Sergei Mukhin, Andrzej Oles, Andrea Perali, Vladimir Pudalov, Juri Purans, Roberto Raimondi.



Quantum Complex Matter 2021 Symposium

This year "Quantum Complex Matter 2021" will be a virtual symposium with online talks.

Quantum Complex Matter 2021 will highlight recent advances in all major fields in quantum phenomena in complex condensed matter. Invited and leading contributed papers will focus on Quantum complex matter, Quantum materials for quantum computers, Room temperature superconductors, Superconductivity and magnetism, Lifshitz transitions, Topological and 2-d materials, Fano resonances, Spintronics, Feshbach resonances, BEC-BCS crossover, Nanoscale phase separation and High pressure physics to promote discussions and collaboration among researchers of different fields.

The main focus is the latest advances on Charge Density Waves in Quantum Complex Matter.

All invited speakers and participants are kindly invited and urged to register at the web-site at earliest convenience. The topics of interest, can be found on the web site. Full-text papers of invited talks will be subject to peer review before to be accepted for publication in the Quantum Complex Matter 2021 proceedings in a special issue of the open source Journal "Condensed Matter". Further details are given at our web-site.

Participants and Students are invited to register here... 

Awards for the best Communications are offered by the Open source Journal "Condensed Matter".

Poster session (Some invited and contributed talks will be given as video presentations)

Conference Proceedings of Quantum Complex Matter 2021 will be published by Condensed Matter, an open access journal of MDPI in the special issue on Quantum Complex Matter.
The first 10 Invited Speakers accepting to submit the paper will be granted a full waiver on the APC - Article Processing Charge.
For all the other participants a 50% discount on the standard fee (discounted fee=500 CHF) is available

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The conference is sponsored by MDPI Publishing.

The participants of the Conference are invited to submit a paper as regular article in the special issue of thr Open Access Journal "Condensed Matter".
MDPI offers to the participants to waive the publication charges.
The authors can submit the papers to the Journal "Condensed Matter" as soon as their contribution been accepted in the Conference Program. 


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