- Symmetry and heterogeneity
- Multi-condensates
- Fano resonances
- Majorana fermions
- Topological materials
- Quantum complex matter
- Artificial quantum heterostructures
- Spin-orbit.coupling
- Stripes
- Superstripes
- Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
- Phase transitions
- Phase separation
- Electronic inhomogeneities
- Polarons condensation and pairing
- Control and manipulation of complexity
- Novel quantum devices
- Nanoscale supramolecular heterostructures
- Topological quantum science
- Pair exchange in multigap systems
- Fano resonances
- Artificial heterostructures at atomic limit
- Interface superconductivity
- Complex quantum matter
- Cold atoms physics
- Nanoscale phase separation
- Supersolids
- Supercrystals
- High entropy materials
- Topological quantum science
- Topological materials
- Topology and ferromagnetism
- Edge states
- Spin-orbit interaction
- Magneto-electrics
- Multiferroics
- Twisted bilayer graphene
- Twisted 2D flakes
- Physics and technology of 2D flakes
- Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
- Rashba physics and topological order
- High pressure physics
- Superconducting pressurized hydrides
- Room temperature superconductivity
- Stripe-order in cuprates and related materials
- Magnetic field control of Stripe-order
- Uniaxial stress control of stripes-order
- Magnetism and superconductivity
- Dynamics of many body localized states
- Nanoscale phase separation
- Thermalization
- Many-body localization
- Charge density waves
- Spin density waves
- Moiré materials
- Nickelate superconductors
- Strongly correlated d- and f- electron systems
- Advances in Josephson junctions
- Unconventional Josephson junctions
- Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
- Spin-orbit.coupling in superconductivity
- Kondo lattice and superconductivity
- Berry phase in complex materials
- Ferroelectric quantum materials
- Polarons condensation and pairing
- Symmetry and heterogeneity
- Skyrmions
- Perovskites
- Phase transitions
- Phase separation
- Electronic inhomogeneities
- Multi-condensates
- Fano resonances
- Majorana fermions
- Topological materials
- Quantum complex matter
- Artificial quantum heterostructure
- Engineering multi-gap superconductivity by quantum design
- Interface superconductivity
- Tc amplification by internal and external electric field
- Modulation‐doped superconductor heterojunction superlattices
- Modulation-doping of correlated electron insulators
- Quantum phenomena in resonant tunneling heterostructures
- 2DEG in heterojunctions
- Kondo lattice in modulation‐doped heterojunction superlattices
- Kondo lattice in a van der Waals Superconductors
- Kondo lattice in heterostructure interfaces
- Multiband superconductivity in interface superconductivity
- Spin orbit interactions in modulation‐doped superconductor
- Superconductivity in heterojunction superlattices
- Superconductivity in the Kondo lattice
- Superconductivity at the interface of two Mott insulators
- Bilayer and trilayer superconducting nickelates