Quantum Complex Matter 2020
International Conference
Rome – June 8-12, 2020
Quantum Complex Matter 2020
International Conference
Rome – June 8-12, 2020

Quantum Complex Matter 2020 - Call for papers

Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the international QCM2020 conference joint with QCM2020 school for PhD and Postdocs. 

Quantum Complex Matter 2020 - QCM2020
to be held in Rome/Italy – at Frascati National Laboratory from 8th June - 12nd June 2020.

QCM2020 will highlight recent advances in all major fields in quantum phenomena in complex condensed matter. This is a multi-purpose meeting of activities based on the Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics (FCMP) lecture courses and selected topics of Superstripes conferences. Invited and leading contributed papers will focus on research sub-fields of correlated electron systems (superconductivity and magnetism, Mott transition, quantum criticality, multi-band Hubbard model, Lifshitz transitions), nano science (graphene, TMDC, QHE, topological and 2-d materials, Fano resonances), spintronics (Skyrmions, itinerant electron magnetism, spin current, magnetic memory), cold atoms (Hubbard Model, Feshbach Resonances, BEC-BCS crossover), complex systems (Nanoscale phase separation), High Pressure Physics and Room Temperatures Superconductors to promote discussions and collaboration among researchers of different sub-fields.
You may visit the QCM 2020 web site:
https://www.superstripes.net/conferences/qcm-2020-the-conference for updates.

The QCM 2020 conference is integrated with QCM 2020 School with Educational Courses for students and young researchers. The lecture contents of the course will be announced later.
With this call for papers, all invited speakers and participants are kindly invited and urged to register at the website at earliest convenience. The topics of interest can be found on the web site. Full-text papers of invited talks and poster presentations will be subject to peer review before to be accepted for publication in the QCM2020 proceedings in a special issue of the open source Journal "Condensed Matter". Further details are given at our website.

Participants and Students are invited to register at

QCM2018 is expected to attract participants all around the globe with poster presentations. In the registration you are invited to mention if you want to participate as PhD student or Postdoc at the QCM 2018 school to get credits.

Awards for the best Posters are offered by the Open source Journal “Condensed Matter”.

As you can find by going to the hotel information web link, Frascati is a wonderful scenic area less than 20 minutes train ride from Rome Termini station. Participants (and their family members) can stay either in Frascati hotels or in Rome hotels near the Termini station, and hotel cost is relatively inexpensive even for 4-stars hotels.

We look forward to welcoming you in Rome in June 2020
With best regards,
Antonio Bianconi, RICMASS, Andrea Gauzzi (Sorbonne University), Augusto Marcelli (LNF-INFN) and Tomo Uemura (Columbia University).

For a letter of intents or for information please send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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