Title of the Book: Aerosols in snow and ice. Markers of environmental pollution and climatic changes: European and Asian perspectives


ISBN 9788866830771

ISBN-A 10.978.886683/0771

Science Series: Volume No. 12

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Publisher: Superstripes Press, Rome, Italy

Title of the proceedings: Aerosols in snow and ice. Markers of environmental pollution and climatic changes: European and Asian perspectives

Extended Proceedings Title: Proc. of Italian and Chinese bilateral workshop “Aerosols in snow and ice. Markers of environmental pollution and climatic changes: European and Asian perspectives”, Rome, September 7-8, 2017

Year of Publication: 2017

Conference name: Aerosols in snow and ice. Markers of environmental pollution and climatic changes: European and Asian perspectives

Conference Date and Location: September 7-8 (2017), Rome, Italy

Editors: Valter Maggi (UNIMIB, Milano), Augusto Marcelli (INFN, Frascati)

Samuel Albani, Roberto Ambrosini, Yanqing An, Roberto Sergio Azzoni, Claudia Azzutti, Carlo Barbante, Francesco Bassani, Giuseppina Bestetti, Paolo Billi, Paolo Bonasoni, Rosa Caggiano, Mariarosaria Calvello, Giorgio Cappuccio, Alessandro Cecili, Giannantonio Cibin, Massimiliano Clemenza, Sergio Cogliati, Roberto Colombo, Zhiyuan Cong, Edoardo Cremonese, Sultan B. Dabagov, Francesco d’Acapito, Mattia De Amicis, Alessandro D’Elia, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Barbara Delmonte, Francesco De Simone, Biagio Di Mauro, Corrado Di Natale, Guglielmina Diolaiuti, Zhiwen Dong, Zhiheng Du, Francesco Esposito, Massimiliano Fazzini, Claudia Ferrario, Andrea Franzetti, Isabella Gandolfi, Shaopeng Gao, Roberto Garzonio, Christian N. Gencarelli, Fernando Gozzi, Amanda Grannas, Junming Guo, Dariush Hampai, Mike J. Handley, Patrick Hatcher, Ian M. Hedgecock, Jie Huang, Zhenming Ji, Tommaso Julitta, Shichang Kang, Kimitaka Kawamura, Paolo Laj, Giovanni O. Lepore, Antonio Lettino, Chuanjin Li, Quanlian Li, Xiaofei Li, Yang Li, Yuefang Li, Shiwei Liu, Antonella Macagnano, Salvatore Macis, Valter Maggi, Natalie M. Mahowald, Augusto Marcelli, Salvatore Margiotta, Angela Marinoni, Marco Massabò, Matteo Mattavelli, Paul A. Mayewski, Massimiliano Nastasi, Elisa Palazzi, Cinzia Panigada, Giulia Pavese, Nicola Pirrone, Francesca Pittino, Marco A.C. Potenza, Ezio Previtali, Antonello Provenzale, Alessandro Puri, Dahe Qin, Jiawen Ren, Philip E. Robbins, Micol Rossini, Serena Sabia, Simon Schüpbach, Antonio Speranza, Francesca Sprovieri, Vito Summa, Ilario Tagliaferri, Giovanna Tranfo, Lorenzo Trotta, Paul Vallelonga, Sara Villa, Ninglian Wang, Amanda Willoughby, Cunde Xiao, Jianzhong Xu, Wei Xu, Junhua Yang, Tong Zhang, Yulan Zhang, Qianggong Zhang, Yingcai Zhu.


1) Mineral dust and Mediterranean climate reconstructed from Europen Alps Ice Cores
Valter Maggi, Barbara Delmonte, Samuel Albani, Matteo Mattavelli, Antonello Provenzale, Mattia De Amicis

2) Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Change (APCC) over Third Pole: Current Status and Future Prospects
Shichang Kang, Qianggong Zhang, Yulan Zhang, Junming Guo, Zhenming Ji, Junhua Yang, Xiaofei Li

3) A comprehensive geochemical characterization of atmospheric dust and impurities in snow and ice from past and recent times: Antarctic and Alpine perspectives
Giovanni Baccolo, Giannantonio Cibin, Massimiliano Clemenza, Barbara Delmonte, Biagio Di Mauro, Dariush Hampai, Augusto Marcelli, Massimiliano Nastasi, Ezio Previtali, Valter Maggi

4) Identification of sources of iron in mineral dust (aerosol) from Western China, Arctic and East Antarctica regions by chemical speciation using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy
Zhiheng Du, Cunde Xiao, Augusto Marcelli, Giannantonio Cibin, Giovanni Baccolo, Salvatore Macis, Wei Xu, Alessandro Puri, Valter Maggi, Shiwei Liu, Yingcai Zhu

5) 10-year record of atmospheric aerosol composition in the high Himalayas 
Paolo Bonasoni, Angela Marinoni, Paolo Laj, Elisa Palazzi 

6) Progresses of study on mercury geochemistry over the cryosphere of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau
Jie Huang, Shichang Kang, Qianggong Zhang, Zhiyuan Cong, Junming Guo

7) Transport and impacts of mineral dust: an Earth system model perspective
Samuel Albani, Natalie M. Mahowald, Barbara Delmonte, Marco A.C. Potenza, Valter Maggi

8) Mineralogy of dust and aerosols: status and perspectives of spectroscopic methods as novel ice cores proxies and for climatic and environmental applications
A. Marcelli and the CryoAlp collaboration

9) Trace element and their specification in environmental sciences via X-ray Fluorescence and X-ray Absorption spectroscopy: status quo and perspectives in BSRF and BAPS
Wei Xu, Yingcai Zhu, Zhiheng Du, Shiwei Liu, Cunde Xiao, A. Marcelli  

10) Eolian dust in Antarctica: a proxy for atmospheric circulation and climate in the Southern Hemisphere during the late Quaternary
Barbara Delmonte, Valter Maggi, Giovanni Baccolo

11) High-resolution mass spectrometric characterization of dissolved organic matter from warm and cold periods in the NEEM ice core
Jianzhong Xu, Amanda Grannas, Cunde Xiao, Zhiheng Du, Amanda Willoughby, Patrick Hatcher, Yanqing An

12) The bioavailable Fe associated with natural and anthropogenic emissions recorded in Arctic and central Asia ice cores
Cunde Xiao, Zhiheng Du, Mike J. Handley, Paul A. Mayewski, Paul Vallelonga, Simon Schüpbach, Tong Zhang, Chuanjin Li, Jiawen Ren, Yuefang Li

13) The mineralogical characterization of aerosols in Snow and Ice: Technical challenges and Synchrotron Radiation methods
Giannantonio Cibin, Augusto Marcelli 

14) Spatial and temporal variations of total mercury in Antarctic snow along the transect from Zhongshan Station to Dome A
Chuanjin Li, Shichang Kang, Cunde Xiao 

15) Integrated multi-instrumental measurements to characterize chemical, morphological and optical properties of atmospheric aerosol
Giulia Pavese, Rosa Caggiano, Mariarosaria Calvello, Francesco Esposito, Antonio Lettino, Salvatore Margiotta, Serena Sabia, Antonio Speranza, Vito Summa 

16) Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in snow enhance albedo reduction over the Third Pole region
Yulan Zhang, Shichang Kang 

17) The MIAMI Project: design and testing of an IoT low-cost device for mobile monitoring of PM and gaseous pollutants
Giancarlo Della Ventura, Fernando Gozzi, Augusto Marcelli

18) Levels and Spatial Distributions of Levoglucosan and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Snowpits Over the Tibetan Plateau Glacier
Quanlian Li, Ninglian Wang, Carlo Barbante

19) The new LISA beamline at the ESRF: an opportunity for environmental sciences
Francesco d'Acapito, Giovanni O. Lepore, Alessandro Puri 

20) Provenance of cryoconite deposited on the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau: New insights from Nd-Sr isotopic composition and size distribution
Zhiwen Dong, Shichang Kang, Dahe Qin, Yang Li 

21) Laboratory Based XRF-TXRF Experiments with Polycapillary Optics
Dariush Hampai, Giorgio Cappuccio, Claudia Azzutti, Augusto Marcelli, Valter Maggi, Sultan. B. Dabagov

22) A new isolation method for biomass-burning tracers in snow: measurements of p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, and dehydroabietic acids
Shaopeng Gao, Shichang Kang, Kimitaka Kawamura, Zhiyuan Cong

23) Design and characterization of a mapping device optimized to collect XRD patterns from highly inhomogeneous and low-density powder samples
Alessandro D’Elia, Giannantonio Cibin, Philip E. Robbins, Valter Maggi, Augusto Marcelli

24) Shipping emissions, air quality and short-lived climate forcers
Nicola Pirrone, Francesco De Simone, Christian N. Gencarelli, Ian M. Hedgecock, Francesca Sprovieri

25) From satellites to ice cores: investigating the impact of light-absorbing impurities in the cryosphere of the European Alps
Biagio Di Mauro, Roberto Garzonio, Marco Massabò, Tommaso Julitta, Micol Rossini, Barbara Delmonte, Valter Maggi, Matteo Mattavelli, Cinzia Panigada, Sergio Cogliati, Edoardo Cremonese, Roberto Colombo 

26) The gas sensors array approach to monitoring and control of air quality
Corrado Di Natale, Giovanna Tranfo, Antonella Macagnano, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Augusto Marcelli 

27) Roles of supraglacial sediments in attenuating the contamination of pesticides deposited on glaciers
Claudia Ferrario, Francesca Pittino, Ilario Tagliaferri, Isabella Gandolfi, Giuseppina Bestetti, Roberto Sergio Azzoni, Guglielmina Diolaiuti, Andrea Franzetti, Roberto Ambrosini, Sara Villa 

28) Recent altitudinal variations of the main nivo-meteorologic parameters in the eastern italian alps
Massimiliano Fazzini, Paolo Billi, Francesco Bassani, Alessandro Cecili, Lorenzo Trotta

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