Superstripes 2023 - ebook - 9788866831747

Title of the Book: Superstripes 2023


ISBN 9788866831747

ISBN-A 10.978.886683/1747

Science Series: Volume No. 22

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Publisher: Superstripes Press, Rome, Italy

Title of the proceedings: Superstripes 2023

Extended Proceedings Title: Quantum Complex Matter

Year of Publication: 2023

Conference name: Superstripes 2023

Conference Date and Location: June 26-July 1 (2023), Ischia-Naples, Italy

Editor: Antonio Bianconi (RICMASS, Rome, Italy) – Yasutomo Uemura (Columbia University, USA)


Presenting Authors:
Ryosuke Akashi, Jose Alarco, Brian Andersen, Le Duc Anh, Hideo Aoki, Konstantin Arutyunov, Fedor Balakirev, Francesco Barantani, Neven Zitomir Barisic, Christian Bernhard, Antonio Bianconi, Janez Bonca, Uwe Bovensiepen, Emil Bozin, Serguei Brazovski, Valentina Brosco, Wojciech Brzezicki, Bernd Büchner, Kenneth Burch, Annette Bussmann-Holder, Yipeng Cai, Massimo Capone, Debmalya Chakraborty, Luca Chirolli, Steven Conradson, Rosa Córdoba Castillo, Mario Cuoco, Eduardo Da Silva Neto, Leonardo Degiorgi, Luca Dell'Anna, Angelo Di Bernardo, Maria Cristina Diamantini, Dmitri Efremov, Takeshi Egami, Mikhail Eremets, Shiping Feng, Remko Fermin, James Freericks, Masaki Fujita, Elena Gati, Gianluca Ghigo, Cinzia Giannini, Alexander Goncharov, Alexander Gray, Marco Grilli, Zurab Guguchia, Juergen Haase, Karsten Held, Matthias Hepting, Jorge Hirsch, Xiao Hu, Maria Iavarone, Toshiya Ideue, Masatoshi Imada, Kota Ishihara, Hideaki Iwasawa, Mi Jiang, Enno Joon, Gregor Jotzu, Ikuzo Kanazawa, Kazushi Kanoda, Vladislav Kataev, Reizo Kato, Giniyat Khaliullin, Changyoung Kim, Younsik Kim, Natasha Kirova, Adam Klosinski, Takeshi Kondo, Hiroshi Kontani, Viktor Könye, Frank Kruger, Vadim Ksenofontov, Fabio La Mattina, Alexandros Lappas, Xiang Li, Gennady Logvenov, Floriana Lombardi, Despina Louca, Xingyu Ma, Ivan Maggio-Aprile, Dirk Manske, Frank Marsiglio, Leonardo Martinelli, Davide Massarotti, Sadashige Matsuo, Maria Vittoria Mazziotti, Claudio Mazzoli, Tomaz Mertelj, Lotte Mertens, Andrej Mesaros, Giovanni Midei, Dragan Mihailovic, Giovanni Mirarchi, Yuta Mizukami, Takeshi Mizushima, Adriana Moreo, Takahiro Morimoto, Sergei Mukhin, Shuichi Murakami, José Mustre, Gabriele Naselli, David Neilson, Daniele Nicoletti, Kornelius Nielsch, Flavio Nogueira, Andrzej M. Oles, Dror Orgad, Sathish Kumar Paramasivam, Filippo Pascucci, Wojciech Pasek, Claude Pasquier, Jonathan Pelliciari, Yingying Peng, Andrea Perali, Toby Perring, Francesco Petocchi, Alexander Petrovic, Philip Phillips, Erik Piatti, Lukasz Plucinski, Nicola Poccia, Nicola Pompeo, Giacomo Prando, Kosmas Prassides, Andrzej Ptok, Nataliya Pugach, Juris Purans, Khandker Quader, Leo Radzihovsky, Christoph Renner, Dmitry Reznik, Jason Robinson, Masato Sakano, Peter Samuely, Saheli Sarkar, Masatoshi Sato, Götz Seibold, Shinichiro Seki, Choongwon Seo, Shinichi Shamoto, Meenakshi Sharma, Lingjia Shen, Ming Shi, Takasada Shibauchi, Pascal Simon, Liling Sun, Oleg Sushkov, Francesco Tafuri, Jeffery Tallon, Bilal Tanatar, Taichi Terashima, Luca Tomarchio, John M. Tranquada, Carlo Trugenberger, Satoshi Tsuchiya, Yasutomo Uemura, Giovanni Ummarino, Yevhenii Vaskivskyi, Giulia Venditti, Rok Venturini, Lev Vidmar, Igor Vinograd, Valerii Vinokur, Riccardo Vocaturo, Uri Vool, Peter Wahl, Philipp Werner, Steffen Wirth, Krzysztof Wohlfeld, Teppei Yoshida, Weiqiang Yu, Andrei Zaikin, Minghuan Zeng, Nikolai Zhigadlo.


Table of Contents:

Preface – A. Bianconi

Floquet generation of topological superconductivity and magnetism in the strong-correlation regime – H. Aoki

Ab initio studies and fractionalization in cuprate high-Tc superconductors – M. Imada

Stripes, superconductivity, and their mutual disappearance in overdoped cuprates – J.M. Tranquada

The curious case of overdoped cuprates: conventional or exotic? – J. Tallon

Structural changes induced by electric currents in Pr2CuO4 as an example of a novel control knob of quantum materials – D. Reznik

Adding Depth and Berry Curvature Resolution to Momentum Microscopy Studies of 2D Materials and Heterostructures – A.X. Gray

Beyond BCS: An Exact Model for Superconductivity and Mottness – P. Phillips

Superlattices, bonding-antibonding, Fermi surface nesting and superconductivity – J. Alarco

Experimentally Established Universal and Non-Universal Properties that Define the Physics of Cuprates – Neven Barišić

Fermion quartets and quartet condensation – F. Petocchi

Epitaxial growth and topological transport properties of Sn-based quantum heterostructures – Le Duc Anh

Nontrivial gapless electronic states at the stacking faults of weak topological insulators – G. Naselli

Shedding new light on the parent compounds of nickelate superconductors – M. Hepting

Strain tuning of the strange metal phase, charge order and superconductivity in underdoped nm scale cuprates – F. Lombardi

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the d-wave vortex core and periodic conductance modulations in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ – I. Maggio-Aprile

Tunable unconventional kagome superconductivity in charge ordered RbV3Sb5 and KV3Sb5 – Z. Guguchia

Topological order and deconfined criticality in superconductors easy-plane antiferromagnets – F.S. Nogueira

Isotopic effect on the lattice dynamics of yttrium hydrates and oxo-hydrates – J. Purans

Can the spin polaron concept describe the ARPES of Mott-insulating cuprates? – K. Wohlfeld

Universal size-dependent nonlinear charge transport in single crystals of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 – R. Fermin

Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study of Electron-Exciton Coupling in High-Tc Cuprates – F. Barantani

Multi-orbital nature of infinite-layered nickelates – P. Werner

Nickelate superconductors – one-band Hubbard model perspective – K. Held

Charge and Spin excitations in infinite-layer superconducting nickelates – L. Martinelli

Nanoscale off-centering as a path to low thermal conductivity – E.S. Bozin

Confined quasi-1D superconductivity in envelope description – W.J. Pasek

Defect bearing hyper-expanded iron-chalcogenides and their robust superconducting state – A. Lappas

Searching for new electronic properties in ultrathin films of correlated materials via in situ ARPES – Changyoung Kim

Josephson effect and superfluidity in electron-hole bilayer heterostructures – F. Pascucci

Tunable BCS-BEC crossover, reentrant, and hidden quantum phase transitions in two-band superconductors with tunable valence and conduction bands – G. Midei

Superconductivity in superhydrides. New developments – M.I. Eremets

Orbitals and Nematicity in 1111- and 111-type Fe based Superconductors – B. Büchner

Density wave instability in liquid: From real liquid to electrons – T. Egami

Dirac magnons in chromium halides – D. Louca

Magnetic and electronic properties indicating polaron formation in Eu5In2Sb6 – S. Wirth

Analogies of phonon anomalies and electronic gap features in the infrared response of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 and underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x – C. Bernhard

Optically driven effective electron-electron attraction in a model with nonlinear electron-phonon interaction – J. Bonča

Coupling of lattice and electronic degrees of freedom in mixed-valence rare-earth fullerides – K. Prassides

Planckian diffusion in k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 ? – C. Pasquier

New insights from electronic transport in superconducting bound-states – P. Simon

Structure and Composition of High Pressure Polyhydrides – A. Goncharov

High-Pressure Hydrides and Electron-phonon Superconductivity: questions about the Experiments and questions about the Theory – F. Marsiglio

Probe of Superconducting Order in High-Tc Hydrides – F. Balakirev

Eliashberg theory in the uniform electron gas revisited – R. Akashi

Electron-phonon interaction in the correlated electron systems revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy – T. Yoshida

Low-energy spin excitations and tunable anisotropy of quasi-2D van der Waals magnets – V. Kataev

Robust propagating in-gap modes due to spin-orbit domain walls in graphene – A. Mesaros

Determining the nature and strength of proximity induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene by quasiparticle interference imaging – C. Renner

Optical fingerprints of the electronic band reconstruction in van der Waals magnetic materials – L. Degiorgi

Electron correlation and electron-phonon interaction in cuprate superconductors evaluated by ARPES with machine learning – H. Iwasawa

Anisotropic optics and gravitational lensing of tilted Weyl fermions – V. Könye

Geometrical nonlinear optical effects of magnons in multiferroic materials – T. Morimoto

Geometry-induced spin-filtering in photoemission maps from WTe2 surface states – L. Plucinski

High Tc cuprates d-wave insulators – E. Joon

Pulsed excitations of 2H-NbSe2 – R. Venturini

Saturation of the Superconductivity in Maximally Overdoped (p=1) Cuprates??? – S.D. Conradson

Multi-band superconductivity, polarons and the steep band/flat band scenario – A. Bussmann-Holder

Low-energy quasi-circular electron correlations with charge order wavelength in BSCCO 2212 – E.H. da Silva Neto

Ab initio investigation of the electronic structure of Weyl semimetal PtBi2 – R. Vocaturo

Exciton condensation in biased bilayer graphene – O.P. Sushkov

Vortex motion physics in iron-based and cuprate high-Tc superconductors at microwaves: flux flow, anisotropy, pinning – N. Pompeo

Mathematical and Physical Properties of Three-Band s+- Eliashberg Theory for Iron Pnictides – G.A. Ummarino

Nodal Multigap Superconductivity in the Anisotropic Iron-Based Compound RbCa2Fe4As4F2 – E. Piatti

Topological Quantum Matter – V.M. Vinokur

Complex phase-fluctuation effects and novel vortex configurations in superconducting Nb-based nanostructures – A. Perali

Test of the mechanism of high Tc superconductivity and strange metal phase controlled by quantum geometry in artificial nanoscale heterostructures at atomic limit – A. Bianconi

Engineering of Complex Oxide Superconducting Heterojunctions – G. Logvenov

Topological gauge theories of Josephson junction arrays and 2D superconductors – C.A. Trugenberger

Type III Superconductors – C. Diamantini

Possible manifestations of Q-ball mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity in diamagnetic response and X-ray diffraction – S.I. Mukhin

Electronic structure studies on iron-based superconductor parent compounds via magnetotransport and quantum-oscillation measurements – T. Terashima

Coexistence and interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in EuFe2(As1-xPx)2: a microwave analysis – G. Ghigo

Orbital-selective Mott physics in iron-based ladder systems – A. Moreo

Conductivity, magnetism and thermoelectric effect by topological excitations in a quasi-1D organic ferroelectric – K. Kanoda

Field control of fluctuation-driven modulated magnetism in the metallic ferromagnet PrPtAl – F. Kruger

Magnetic Excitations in the Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet Iron Throughout the Brillouin Zone – T. Perring

Towards the integration of CMOS electronics in the emergent high temperature superconducting phase of twisted bilayers cuprate heterostructures – N. Poccia

Superconducting microwave circuits with novel superconductors for material exploration and quantum technology – U. Vool

Unconventional superconducting quantum devices – V. Brosco

Elementary interactions in condensed matter analyzed by ultrafast soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy – U. Bovensiepen

Coherent emission from surface Josephson plasmons in charge-ordered cuprates – D. Nicoletti

Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopic study of low-temperature phases in organic Dirac electron systems – S. Tsuchiya

Magnetic flux trapping in high-TC superconducting hydrides – V. Ksenofontov

Coexisting superconductivity and charge-density wave in hydrogen-intercalated TiSe2 – G. Prando

Photovoltaic effect in symmetry engineered van der Waals nanomaterials – T. Ideue

Multiorbital Mott physics: from models to materials and quantum simulators – M. Capone

Resonant X-ray Inelastic Scattering in FeSe1-xTex – J. Mustre de León

Quantum Monte Carlo study of a bilayer symmetric Hubbard model – D. Orgad

Dynamical study of the origin of the charge density wave in AV3Sb5 compounds – A. Ptok

Quantized gauge fields with massive Higgs-like boson fields and anomalous properties in high-Tc cuprates – I. Kanazawa

Half-integer combined vortices in incommensurate spin density waves – N. Kirova

Emergent quantum critical point for charge-density-wave ordered materials – J. Freericks

Evolution from charge-order phase to high-temperature superconductivity – Y. Peng

Recent findings in pressurized high-Tc superconductors – L. Sun

Local charge dynamics in the amorphous state of 1T-TaS2 – Y. Vaskivskyi

Chaotic fluctuations in the fractionally charged spatial fabric of a polaronic Wigner crystal lattice – D. Mihailovic

Ultrafast optical polarimetry in magnetic phases of Kondo semimetal CeSb – T. Mertelj

Advanced light-control of intertwined orders in high temperature superconductors – C. Seo

Relaxation of non-equilibrium quasiparticles in a mesoscopic scale superconductor – K. Arutyunov

Magnetodynamics influence on the superconducting condensate in superconducting-magnetic hybrids – N. Pugach

Spin-orbital mechanisms for negative thermal expansion – A.M. Oleś

Energy-scale phenomenology for condensation, pairing and phase diagrams of unconventional superconductors – Y. Uemura

Manipulation of Skyrmions lattice under resonant x-ray conditions: new light on some long standing problems – C. Mazzoli

Strange metal behavior by overdamped short-range fluctuations in cuprates and elsewhere – M. Grilli

Coexistence of Charge Density Waves and Superconductivity in Layered CuxTiSe2 – M. Iavarone

Micro-Thermoelectric Devices and Nanostructured Topological Insulators – K. Nielsch

Cooper quartets in hybrid superconducting devices – L. Chirolli

Magnetoelastic coupling in spin-orbit entangled Mott insulators – G. Khaliullin

Breaking of spatial inversion symmetry in anti-parallel-stacked transition metal dichalcogenides – M. Sakano

Low energy electronic structure in strontium ruthenates: from surface distortions to magnetic-field control of the electronic structure – P. Wahl

µSR studies of Kagome magnet (Fe, Co)Sn – Y. Cai

The CDW of YBa2Cu3Oy: insights from NMR and XRD – I. Vinograd

Chiral domains in Tantalum disulfide – L. Mertens

Correlation-Temperature Phase diagram of Infinite-layer Rare-earth Nickelates – K. Quader

Effect of capping layer on superconducting Nd1-xSrxNiO2 – J. Pelliciari

Role of Ni-Nd Hybridization in Infinite-Layer Nickelates – Mi Jiang

Anomalous Crystal Shapes of Topological Crystalline Insulators – S. Murakami

Interplay between anisotropy and charge fluctuations in cuprates – G. Mirarchi

Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors from topology and strong correlations – D. Chakraborty

Superconductivity in 214-based structural isomers – M. Fujita

Uniaxial stress control of correlated quantum materials: From superconductors to magnets – E. Gati

Theory of Higgs spectroscopy for superconductors in non-equilibrium – D. Manske

Axial Higgs Mode from Quantum Geometry and a Charge Density Wave – K.S. Burch

Recent developments in the understanding of superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 – B.M. Andersen

Chester supersolid of spatially indirect excitons in double-layer semiconductor heterostructures – D. Neilson

Unprotected edge modes in quantum spin Hall insulator candidate materials – W. Brzezicki

Pair Density Waves in Topological Superfluid 3He – T. Mizushima

Extremely clean doped Mott states in high-Tc cuprates forming small Fermi pockets investigated by ARPES – T. Kondo

THz and Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Co2MnGa Topological semimetal – L. Tomarchio

Exploring 2D materials: growth, properties, and applications – N.D. Zhigadlo

Charge interactions at buried YBCO interface – F. La Mattina

Skyrmion-vortex pairs: hybrid topological solitons for quantum information – A. Petrović

Ergodicity breaking transition in zero dimensions – L. Vidmar

Even- and Odd-Parity Density Waves and Superconductivity in Kagome Metals, Nickelates and Other Strongly Correlated Metals – H. Kontani

Nematic quantum critical points and unconventional superconducting states in Fe(Se/S/Te) – T. Shibauchi

Superconductivity in hydrides under high pressure: fact or fiction? – J. Hirsch

Hybrid Josephson junctions opportunity for quantum hardware and advances in quantum science and engineering – F. Tafuri

Thermodynamic studies on the Majorana gap of Kitaev material a-RuCl3 – Y. Mizukami

T-linear resistivity in the strange-metal phase of cuprate superconductors due to umklapp scattering from a spin excitation – S. Feng

Quantum Hall liquid crystals – L. Radzihovsky

Multi-length scale X-rays investigation of hierarchically organized supercrystals – C. Giannini

Topology of chalcogen chains – A. Kłosiński

Higgs-Leggett mode in Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 – Xiao Hu

Development of dynamic magnetic pair-density function analysis – S. Shamoto

Investigation of BKT transition under low magnetic fields in NbN thin films – M. Sharma

Topological order and dynamics in long-range Kitaev chains – L. Dell’Anna

Flux cotunneling and Coulomb drag for quantum phase slips – A. Zaikin

Unconventional Josephson junctions for quantum hardware – D. Massarotti

Nonlocal Josephson effect in coherently coupled Josephson junctions – S. Matsuo

Dirac cone formation in single-component molecular conductors based on metal dithiolene complexes – R. Kato

Focused Ion Beam nanostructuring of superconductors – R. Córdoba

Tunable topological Dirac surface states and van Hove singularities in kagome metal GdV6Sn6 – Ming Shi

Superfluid response of two-dimensional filamentary superconductors – G. Venditti

Observation of Kondo lattice behavior in antiferromagnetic metal FeTe – Y.S. Kim

High Tc superconductivity boosted by Spin–Orbit Coupling in superlattices of quantum wells – M.V. Mazziotti

Ising superconductivity in a bulk – P. Samuely

Extended Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem in non-Hermitian systems and its application – M. Sato

Density and pseudo-spin rotons in a bilayer of soft-core bosons – B. Tanatar

Novel materials with magnetic skyrmions and their three-dimensional dynamics – S. Seki

Superconducting gap structure and anomalous lower critical field in UTe2 – K. Ishihara

Ultrafast magnetometry of (light-induced) superconductors – G. Jotzu

Proximate Deconfined Quantum Critical Point in a Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2(BO3)2 – Weiqiang Yu

Impact of high order of van Hove singularities on the competition of charge and spin degrees of freedom – D. Efremov

Atomic Relaxation in Cuprate Superconductors: The Role of Dynamic Disorder on Charge Density Waves – Lingjia Shen

Flux vortex diode effect in proximity-magnetized superconducting Nb – J. Robinson

Phase Transitions of Confinement and Aggregation, and Formation of Stripes in Ensembles of Solitons in Quasi 1D Electronic Systems with long range Coulomb interactions – S. Brazovskii

Tc, Pseudogap and other Cuprate Properties from Charge Sharing between Planar Cu and O, Measured with NMR – J. Haase

Third harmonics generation from collective modes in disordered superconductors – G. Seibold

Superconducting orbitronics: novel effects and quantum phases – M. Cuoco

Gate-control of superconducting current – A. Di Bernardo

Anomalous softening of phonon-dispersion in the under- doped cuprate superconductors – S. Sarkar

Influence of impurities on the electronic structure in cuprate superconductors – Xiang Li

Dispersion kink in cuprate superconductors – Xingyu Ma

Enhancement of Bereninskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature in coupled deep and quasi-flat band 2 D system – S. Kumar Paramasivam

Impurity effects on the microwave conductivity of cuprate superconductors – M. Zeng

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