Ugo Fano Symposium
“Majorana Fermions and Quantum Matter for Quantum computing”
Ugo Fano Symposium
“Majorana Fermions and Quantum Matter for Quantum computing”


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Ugo Fano Symposium
"Majorana Fermions and Quantum Matter for Quantum computing"

Rome Dec 20, 2019
Venue: Marconi Hall (1st floor), CNR Headquarters, P.le A. Moro 7, 00185 Rome, Italy



If you are interested to participate and to present a poster or oral communication we invite to register yourself by sending an abstract as soon as possible and before Dec. 5, 2019 via


with Title: ----, Names of authors:…,Affiliations …, text of a length between 800 and 1300 characters including spaces …, and few references to recent related papers ….

to the Ugo Fano Symposium secretariat at the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participants are invited to send a participation lump sum of 100,00 euro to contribute for the expenses of the symposium organization including the symposium materials:

  • Superstripes bag
  • Symposium program
  • eBook of Symposium Proceedings


  • Coffee breaks

The expenses for any lunch and for social dinner are not covered by the conference organization.

Pay your partecipation fee to a verifed non profit organization superstripes-onlus using


or  using the Bank Transfer procedure (please, see instructions below) and send payment details via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please make sure that the Bank transfer fees are charged to the sender


  • account holder : SUPERSTRIPES-onlus
  • holder address: Via dei Sabelli 119A, 00185 Roma
  • Fiscal Code: 97241860580


  • bank name: CREDIT AGRICOLE Agenzia 137-Roma 25
  • IBAN code: IT57X0623005031000040475382
  • SWIFT code: CRPPIT2P137
  • mentioning for identification: 1.YOUR SURNAME & NAME - 2.YOUR TOWN - 3. Ugo Fano Symposium 2019


Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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