foto di Valentina Locatelli su unsplash

  1. Symmetry and heterogeneity
  2. Multi-condensates
  3. Fano resonances
  4. Majorana fermions
  5. Topological materials
  6. Quantum complex matter
  7. Artificial quantum heterostructures
  8. Spin-orbit.coupling
  9. Stripes
  10. Superstripes
  11. Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
  12. Phase transitions
  13. Phase separation
  14. Electronic inhomogeneities
  15. Polarons condensation and pairing
  16. Control and manipulation of complexity
  17. Novel quantum devices
  18. Nanoscale supramolecular heterostructures
  19. Topological quantum science
  20. Pair exchange in multigap systems
  21. Fano resonances
  22. Artificial heterostructures at atomic limit
  23. Interface superconductivity
  24. Complex quantum matter
  25. Cold atoms physics
  26. Nanoscale phase separation
  27. Supersolids
  28. Supercrystals
  29. High entropy materials
  30. Topological quantum science
  31. Topological materials
  32. Topology and ferromagnetism
  33. Edge states
  34. Spin-orbit interaction
  35. Magneto-electrics
  36. Multiferroics
  37. Twisted bilayer graphene
  38. Twisted 2D flakes
  39. Physics and technology of 2D flakes
  40. Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
  41. Rashba physics and topological order
  42. High pressure physics
  43. Superconducting pressurized hydrides
  44. Room temperature superconductivity
  45. Stripe-order in cuprates and related materials
  46. Magnetic field control of Stripe-order
  47. Uniaxial stress control of stripes-order
  48. Magnetism and superconductivity
  49. Dynamics of many body localized states
  50. Nanoscale phase separation
  51. Thermalization
  52. Many-body localization
  53. Charge density waves
  54. Spin density waves
  55. Moiré materials
  56. Nickelate superconductors
  57. Strongly correlated d- and f- electron systems
  58. Advances in Josephson junctions
  59. Unconventional Josephson junctions
  60. Unconventional electron-phonon interaction
  61. Spin-orbit.coupling in superconductivity
  62. Kondo lattice and superconductivity
  63. Berry phase in complex materials
  64. Ferroelectric quantum materials
  65. Polarons condensation and pairing
  66. Symmetry and heterogeneity
  67. Skyrmions
  68. Perovskites
  69. Phase transitions
  70. Phase separation
  71. Electronic inhomogeneities
  72. Multi-condensates
  73. Fano resonances
  74. Majorana fermions
  75. Topological materials
  76. Quantum complex matter
  77. Artificial quantum heterostructure
  78. Engineering multi-gap superconductivity by quantum design
  79. Interface superconductivity
  80. Tc amplification by internal and external electric field
  81. Modulation‐doped superconductor heterojunction superlattices
  82. Modulation-doping of correlated electron insulators
  83. Quantum phenomena in resonant tunneling heterostructures
  84. 2DEG in heterojunctions
  85. Kondo lattice in modulation‐doped heterojunction superlattices
  86. Kondo lattice in a van der Waals Superconductors
  87. Kondo lattice in heterostructure interfaces
  88. Multiband superconductivity in interface superconductivity
  89. Spin orbit interactions in modulation‐doped superconductor
  90. Superconductivity in heterojunction superlattices
  91. Superconductivity in the Kondo lattice
  92. Superconductivity at the interface of two Mott insulators
  93. Bilayer and trilayer superconducting nickelates
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