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Superstripes &
Quantum Complex Matter

"E. Majorana Centre", Erice-Sicily, October 11-17, 2025

Directors of the Course

Antonio Bianconi (RICMASS, Italy), Andrea Perali (University of Camerino, Italy), Yasutomo Uemura (Columbia University, USA)

The Meeting is a course of the
directed by Giorgio Benedek


The interest on the new physics of superconductivity in unconventional complex landscape with intrinsic complex quantum geometry at nanoscale, called superstripes landscape has been grown in these last years opening the way to the new quantum era.
The Superstripes & Quantum Complex Matter 2025 course to be held in Erice, (Oct 11th -17th 2025) is dedicated to novel quantum phenomena and quantum coherence in complex materials at high temperature initiated by K. Alex Muller who discovered high Tc superconductivity in complex oxide perovskites and opened the roadmap of physics to high temperature superconductivity showing experimental evidence that macroscopic quantum coherence in a many body system can occur at high temperature in a complex lattice landscape at nanoscale.
New advances in complex superconductivity and novel physics in quantum materials appearing for example at interfaces, nanoscale heterostructures, van der Walls flakes, twisted junctions, polarons and free particles, charge density waves, local charge fluctuations, and advances in theories, like superconductivity at BCS - BEC crossover, quantum fractionalization, Q-balls, advances in DFT theory for complex materials will be presented at Superstripes & Quantum Complex Matter 2025 course Quantum critical points at unconventional Lifshitz transitions, theories and experiments on the key role of Rashba spin orbit coupling and effective topological gauge theories in inherently inhomogeneous superconductors, will be presented at the Superstripes & Quantum Complex Matter 2025 course.
The course topics will cover fast time resolved experimental methods using advanced lasers and free electron lasers and local lattice probes like X-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation, anomalous resonant diffraction, X-ray and neutron atomic pair distribution function method, resonant X-ray diffraction. scanning nano-X-ray diffraction, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy: XPCS, probing local dynamics, terahertz spectroscopy, have changed our understanding of complex quantum matter.

The Superstripes & Quantum Complex Matter 2025 Erice Meeting is dedicated to late Mikhail Eremets who presented at Superstripes 2015 conference the discovery of superconductivity with Tc=203K in pressurized hydrogen sulfide followed by other hydrides with Tc over 250K, receiving 2015 Ugo Fano Gold Medal with Lev Gorkov, in Rome in December 2015.


Scientific Organizing Committee

Gabriel Aeppli, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland

Hideo Aoki, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan

Emil Bozin, Institute of Physics Belgrade & Brookhaven Nat. Lab., Serbia/USA

Bernd Büchner, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden, Germany

Annette Bussmann-Holder, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Germany

Ching-Wu (Paul) Chu, Department of Physics, University of Houston, USA

Takeshi Egami, University of Tennessee, Materials Science and Engineering, Knoxville, USA

Shiping Feng, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, China

Vladimir Fomin, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden, Germany

Masatoshi Imada, Waseda University, Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Tokyo, Japan

Chang-Qing Jin, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Hiroshi Kontani, Nagoya University, Japan

Claudio Mazzoli, Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Synchrotron Light Source II, Upton, USA

Jonathan Pelliciari, Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Synchrotron Light Source II, Upton, NY, USA

Andrea Perali, Scuola di Scienze del Farmaco e dei Prodotti della Salute, University of Camerino, Italy

Nicola Poccia, IFW Dresden & University of Naples Federico II, Germany/Italy

Khandker F. Quader, Department of Physics, Kent State University, OH, USA

Christoph Renner, Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Takasada Shibauchi, Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo, Japan

Yasutomo Uemura, Department of Physics, Columbia University, USA

Steffen Wirth, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany



  • January 31, 2025: expression of interest
  • February 15, 2025: Deadline for Title and Abstract submission by email (Download abstract template...)
  • April 30, 2025: Deadline for the early bird registration fee.
  • July 15, 2025: Deadline for late registration fee
  • October 11, 2025: Arrival day
  • October 12, 2025: Opening session h 9:00 AM
  • October 16, 2025: Closing session h 18:00 AM
  • October 17, 2025: Departure day


Secretary: Paolo Alberti (RICMASS)

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